Everyone’s favorite gore movie is now available on game consoles in a bloody puzzle to get through Jigsaw’s torturous chambers. Play as the contestants in the movies and unlock secrets to the series through Saw the video game and find out information from cut scenes and gameplay that you’ve never known before.
From eye pulling to teeth yanking, Saw the video game has all of the gore from the movies that fans rave about. Your stomach will churn during the intense puzzle games just as if you were the player of the game or watching the film. Even better is Saw II the game, which includes even better graphics, puzzles, and reveals a little more about Jigsaw’s games.
Unlike most video game series that dedicate themselves to only being purchased on one system, Saw I and Saw II are easily found for all recently made systems. These include Xbox 360, PS3 and the Wii. It’s also been said that there is a new combat system that is dramatically improved in Saw 2 since the first edition of the video game has been released.
To get an idea of the game, consumer reviews are provided along with some screenshots and even a trailer video for the game. Overall gamers are very pleased with its challenging opponents and puzzle, and for the second Saw the video game, players also enjoy the new combat system.